

Video Installation, 75 Videos, Programmed Electronics

Filmed over five months, the videos explore my re-learning of everyday tasks. While producing the work, I repeatedly questioned my daily habits to recognize how influential institutionalized teaching is on how we behave. The French philosopher Henri Lefebvre defines the concept of everyday life as, “referring to all the spheres and institutions,” which together establish the concrete individual. In conversation with Lefebvre’s statement, this body of work examines the ways in which education influences an individual’s routine behaviors. While the content of the videos diverges from institutionalized teaching, the sculptures are meant to represent the controlling nature of education. By presenting the viewers with a predetermined path of interaction, they must follow that path in order to view the content on the screens. As a result, the viewers become complicit in upholding the one-sided system. The presentation of the videos on the screens, therefore, suggests the existence of alternative forms of learning within a larger, controlling system.